In this article, I am going to show you how to create macOS Sierra bootable USB Installer on Windows 10. If you are in the process to install macOS Sierra 10.12 on your PC or Hackintosh. So the first step is to create a bootable USB installer for macOS Sierra to install Mac OS from it on your PC, you can create bootable USB Installer with UniBeast but still, you need a macintosh to download and create macOS Sierra bootable USB Installer. So here we’re to show you how to create bootable USB Installer for macOS Sierra on windows 10 and you don’t need any MacBook or any Apple computer.

Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10

To create Bootable USB Installer you need to download macOS Sierra image file from the link below and other files that mentioned in the download section with a 8 or higher USB flash drive. The download process is a little bit complicated if you are not known to mega because you have to download it from there, also the credit goes to a Brazilian Hackintosh group.Note: This method works on Windows 7/8/10 and it’s not the TransMac process.
Step #1. Firstly, download the following materials from the link below.
Step #2. After downloading macOS Sierra image file from the link below Extract it with 7-Zip, Winrar or any other extractor.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Extract macOS Sierra Image
Step #3. Now Install Win32 DiskImager, open the Win32DiskImage.exe file then click next, nextcouple of times and other basic installation steps, like license agreement.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Install Win32DiskImager
Step #5. When the installation process completed, click Finish to exit the setup wizard.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Finish Installation of Win32DiskImager
Step #4. Run Win32DiskImager as admin and select your USB flash drive that wants to use as a bootable device for macOS Sierra 10.12.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Select USB Flash Drive
Step #6. After selecting device, click on the folder icon beside device selection option and browse the macOS Sierra image file that you downloaded from the link above. Firstly change the view mode to ( *.* ) then select Install macOS Sierra and click Open.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Open Install macOS Sierra Image
Step #7. So after selecting the image and USB, click Write then it will show warning messages, click Yes to begin the Bootable USB Installer process.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Write macOS Sierra to USB
Step #8. Wait for Win32DiskImager to complete the Writing process to 100%.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Writing in Process
Step #9. After writing process finished then you should get the Successful message like the shot below.
Step #10. As mentioned above download “Pacote de Config” after downloading Extract it also by 7-Zip, Winrar or any other extractor.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Extract “Pacote de config”
Step #11.  Open “Pacote de Config” folder then select your PC if it’s desktop or laptop then from its folder you will find some system graphics Config.plist file. Find & Copy the Config.plist that matches your Intell, AMD or NVIDIA system graphics.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Find & Copy your System Config.plist
Note: Remember that if you didn’t found the exact config.plist file for your system then use the one that is approach to your system. Like if your system graphics is intel 4210 then choose above or below that because it mostly works, though there are many that might fix your system and compatible with Hackintosh. Also, you might find your prepared config.plist file just by a quick googling.
Step #12. Now go to your USB flash drive EFI > Clover then paste and replace the config.plist file that you copied from “Pacote de Config” folder with default plist file.
How to Create macOS Sierra Bootable USB Installer on Windows 10?
Replace Config.plist to Bootable USB Installer

  your drive is ready enjoy
